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If you're familiar with Web Development and/or React, the topics in the sidebar should be pretty digestible. Below you'll find a description for each section.
React Frameworks & Build Tools
What to consider when starting a new React project (or potential migration). Dive into the world of React meta-frameworks and the tools that power them.
Project Documentation
These tools and techniques will keep your code on the right path and produce excellent documentation.
Folder & Component Structure
In React you can do just about anything you want. But, what *should* you do?
React Ecosystem
Popular libraries for common problems (handling dates/date-times, animations, data visualization, etc.)
Accessibility & Semantics
Use the proper markup in every situation. Ensure that everyone can access your application.
Styling / UI Libraries
Promising approaches for writing/maintaining CSS in your application.
Get ahead of the learning curve on using the React API (like useState and useEffect).
Data & State Management (coming soon)
Choose the right data-fetching & state-management library for your use case.
React Performance (coming soon)
Ship fast and performant UIs, nailing that UX for your users.